Friday, September 18, 2009

Look Blogward Sarah

I am like the Barbra Streisand of Blogging. You think I might be retiring, you resign yourself to the fact that life might get a little less colorful, and then BLAM! I'm back from a place that I never really left.
But isn't that sort of the beauty of the Internet? That amid all of the constant self-examination and oversharing, I can still believe that some sort of mystery may be maintained. I can even convince myself that all 10-15 of my readers have been wondering what I've been doing since my pilgrimage away from this blog. And that they possibly believe that I have both a REAL LIFE and a INTERNET LIFE. Even though, let's be realz, my internet personality sort of sucks.

So a quick update:
I read a lot of books
I went to work
I gchatted with all of my genius/hilarious friends
I planned some trips

Yeah, that's it, sheesh, I'm a crazy train!

And (amidst all of this funrunnery) I totally let blogging slide and just ignored it and didn't think about it and stopped answering its phone calls and changed the radio station every time I heard "Horse With No Name" because that was OUR SONG.
But I've returned. Partially because lots of people told me to, partially because I could really use a book deal right now. *

*Possible Book Deal Getting Ideas
-Why You are Fat Wrecks (pictures of badly assembled fast food)
-Music City Sartorialist (pictures of tourists and musicians)
-Dooce Deuce (mostly snark, I would have to have a baby though)
-LOLRats (captioned vermin)

Of course there's also this pressure to be funny, but let's be honest Adorably Small Readership, you know I'm not really funny.
I'm all talk. Really I'm prepping my art installation about the Holocaust and writing poetry comparing my childhood to the Bubonic Plague (working title: Ring Around Suburbia, We All Fall Down).
So we'll see how this goes. I'll probably just write about books all the time, although I don't know how many people really want to know my opinion about Stephen King.
(Yes, I just read The Stand. Yes, it was awesome. I am only slightly embarassed about this).

Also, once in awhile I will step back from all the silliness and make some insight about the HUMAN CONDITION that will knock your socks off.
But once you've stopped cathartically weeping, please put your socks back on because I know I can never focus if my feet are chilly.

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