Monday, June 15, 2009


Last night I was leaving the 5 Spot and sitting in the intersection next to 3 Crow (all of these numbers!) when I saw the car across from me furiously flashing their lights. Assuming, naturally, that they were drunk, I ignored them and continued waiting for the light to change.
Then, some dudes (and yes, they were dudes) at 3 Crow start waving and pointing at me.
My thoughts are:
1. "Guess I'm not looking that bad"
2. "Did I leave anything on my car? No"
3. "They must be drunk"

And then I look at my dash and notice, embarassingly, that my lights weren't on. So I just kind of dorkily waved at those dudes (I think I gave one of them a thumbs up).
Not much of a story, but pretty indicative of the past few months.

no sleep+Monday ennui+dead kitten in parking lot = worst monday ever

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